Vacation in Guadeloupe

To prepare a trip to Guadeloupe, you must start by finding out about the destination and the price of the trip. On this page you can use comparators to find a flight, a car and accommodation. Comparators will save you time and money in your research.

Flight JFK to Guadeloupe

comparateur billet avion guadeloupe

Air Caraibes and Corsair serve the French West Indies from Paris Orly (ORY). Air France departing from Paris Charles De Gaulle (CDG).

But also Air Canada from Montreal for our Quebec cousins!

Pour faciliter vos recherches et comparer les prix, vous pouvez utiliser un comparateur de vols comme
Kiwi with the search engine or the links below.

​   ​Volo Guadalupa

Book a cheap flight from JFK to Guadeloupe 

with  flights to guadeloupe island   ​from November to April. 

Come and take some sun in the french caribbean !

Lookup flights from another airport

Best time to go to Guadeloupe

When is high season in Guadeloupe? When should you come to Guadeloupe? These are probably the first questions you ask yourself when planning your vacation.

To put it simply, let's say that the high season is from Christmas to Easter, with corresponding prices charged by the different tourism operators, and particularly during school holiday periods of course. And then, around these four months of high season from around mid-December to mid-April, we can say that the front and back of the winter season is a mid-season. Which means that from November to mid-December and from mid-April to the end of May you will find attractive prices and fewer tourist numbers. It is therefore, for those who can travel during these periods, interesting both financially and from a tourist perspective. To help you choose dates outside of school holidays, you can consult the school holidays calendar 2024 In France. For other European countries that have different dates, this can be good news for cheaper plane tickets, as French airlines generally take French school holidays into account to vary their prices.

Personally, I always advise people who can to travel in June. It's a very beautiful season from a climatic point of view with the trade winds still very present (note to windsurfers and other sailboats!), but as the good weather arrives in Europe (and the ferry also for teenagers ;-), the Antilles are much less popular, and it is therefore low season. Cheap tickets, cheap accommodation, a quiet archipelago, a great climate.

July and August are theoretically a low season for the reason mentioned above: It’s summer in Europe. However, these are months that are very popular with West Indians living in France, and the beaches and rivers are once again busy. As for prices, since there is demand... companies take advantage of it.

Vacation rentals in Guadeloupe

Hurricane season in Guadeloupe

This too is a recurring question. Officially, “hurricane season” begins on June 1st and ends on November 30th. For my part, I don't really like the term hurricane season, I prefer to talk about wet season. Indeed, the cyclone risk is actually almost zero in June, July and August, and even in November. Of the six months of the official calendar, there are actually two months at risk. However, the meteorological centers are on deck throughout this period to work on forecast models. And as they are the ones who define the season.

Voyage en Guadeloupe: Quelques conseils

Ma surfeuse préférée vous donne plein de conseils pour votre séjour en Guadeloupe dans une vidéo et son blog la ptite gazette

Lire l'article

Guadeloupe Conseils de voyage

September and October are therefore the months where the risk is real, but it remains only a risk, which is defined by the combination of a probability and severity factor. The last cyclone we had in Guadeloupe dates back to 2017 with Maria. Afterwards we can experience the passage of a tropical storm from time to time... or not, but the weather remains generally beautiful and warm... and humid or even heavy.

And then in November, the weather cools down, especially at night, and the cyclone risk is very low. The gradual arrival of the trade winds with its constant wind during the day announces the start of winter, the dry season, from December to June.

To summarize, you can come to Guadeloupe all year round, even if certain periods are more conducive to episodes of wind or rain. But as you know, climate change concerns everyone and also makes us notice anomalies such as rainy periods in January, or humid seasons that are not so humid after all.