What time is it in Guadeloupe ?

Jet lag with the US
October 11, 2023 by

Time in Guadeloupe

There is no time difference between Guadeloupe and New York. There is a 3 hours jet lag with California, so when it’s noon in Pointe à Pitre, it’s only 9 a.m. in Los Angeles.

At what time should I call to Guadeloupe ? 

If you are planning a trip to the West Indies, you may want to call a vacation rental to inquire. From the east coast, it's easy of course, as it is the same time in Guadeloupe. If you call from the west coast, you can do it early in the morning, from 5 a.m., which is 8 a.m. in the West Indies. 

Looking for a cosy place to stay?

For our Jaden Kreyol vacation rental in Lamentin in Guadeloupe, we have set up a website which provides maximum information and a booking engine which allows you to have availability and prices immediately. And even book directly online - without going through a platform which increases prices by at least 15%. If you are visiting our website from a mobile, you can easily reach us by WhatsApp using a button at the bottom of the screen. Do you see it there on the left? You can therefore easily send us a text message to be contacted as quickly as possible, or make a voice call. We speak english

If you are planning a stay in Guadeloupe, choosing a vacation rental with a central location on the island will allow you to visit the entire island without ever having to drive more than an hour to get to the other end. Plus, where we are located, you will be going against traffic jams. Yes, there are some who work or go to school!

See Jaden Kréyol

Henri KESSELS October 11, 2023
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